Shipping is handled  by GLS courier.
A parcel tracking service is active for this shipper.
From the moment the order leaves the warehouse, delivery will usually take place within 7 working days in Italy, in European and non-European countries. All orders are delivered Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. New Footwears will not be responsible for any malfunctions in the delivery service by the courier.
In case of deliveries made at receptions (with signature for collection by the receptionist), New Footwears will not be held responsible for subsequent non-deliveries of the package to the final recipient. If a destination country does not appear among those listed, it means that there is currently no delivery of products in that country. However, since New Footwears is considering extending the list of countries to which to ship, we recommend that you contact our Customer Care at

Upon delivery of the products, the customer is required to check:
• that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document;
• that the packaging is intact, not damaged, wet or otherwise altered, even in the sealing materials (adhesive tape or metal straps).
Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or the mismatch in the number of packages or indications, must be immediately detected, placing a specific indication on the delivery document of the product to be returned to the courier.
Any problems concerning the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 14 days of delivery, according to the procedures set out in this document.

Shipping fees
New Footwears offers free shipping in Italy and subsidized  rates for most other destinations outside of Italy.

Shipping Times
From the moment the order leaves the warehouse, delivery will usually take place within 7 working days in Italy, in European and non-European countries. Any delivery delays may be caused by the temporary unavailability of the products, by malfunctions in the service by the courier, by force majeure or in case of bank holidays. In case of purchase by credit card or PayPal, the delay in shipping may be caused by the inability to withdraw the authorized amount for payment. If you have not received the goods after 10 working days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays), please contact customer service at
The delivery times indicated by New Footwears must be considered as purely indicative and a delay with respect to them, or any delivery made with subsequent split shipments does not entitle the customer to refuse the delivery itself or  to request compensation.

Customs duties and taxes
New Footwears  ships all over the world. Customs duties and any taxes vary according to the country of destination and are applied upon arrival of the goods in the same country: the customer is therefore invited to contact the customs authorities of their country in advance to check the costs and any import limits.
In case of refusal of the goods by the customer or non-delivery for other reasons (e.g. incorrect address and / or telephone number of the recipient; repeated absence of the recipient, etc.) the amount will be withheld to cover the following expenses: dispatch of goods + return of goods + customs for return and charged to the recipient. Instead, the price of the goods will be refunded.